Welcome to Central Texas Star - FAQ

Howdy! Thanks to everyone who has been checking out the website and letting me know what you want to see. I have been building everything from scratch, so I appreciate all the ideas, feedback and positivity! I wanted to let everyone know a few things about the vision of the paper going forward, and what to expect as we begin this journey together.

You may have noticed, that all the articles have been free. I plan on keeping some of my reporting free and available, as well as the Classifieds, Community Calendar and Joys and Sorrows. These are events in our lives that we should all share, and I am committed to making those things free and accessible. I do have to pay the bills, though, and I will be adding new articles twice a week that will hopefully inform and entertain the subscribers who are willing to spend a few dollars.

Thursdays I will be delving out the weekly news and events, while on Sundays I will be delivering deep dives and longer reads. I will continue to put out breaking news alerts for important news of the day, such as traffic jams, weather alerts and crash reports. If it is important to know in a timely manner, I want to be sure to keep my readers informed.

A Little About our Sections

County News will cover all the government and policy news for the entire county. Hearne School Board, Bremond City Council, Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District, Commissioners Court and the like, will be covered here.

Community Events will cover all the fun-filled events occurring in Robertson County and Beyond. Farmers Markets, Youth Fair, Concerts in the Park and Vacation Liberty School will all get their coverage here.

Featured News will highlight the most important and timely news of the week.

Joys and Sorrows is where the community can share all of their life’s achievements, milestones and ends. Birth Announcements, Graduation Announcements, Engagements and Weddings as well as Obituaries are featured here. Obituaries that are posted on any of the Robertson County Owned and Operated Funeral Homes will be posted here for free. Contact centraltxstar@gmail.com with the subject JOYS AND SORROWS to inquire about rates for any of our announcements. An affordable way to share your event with the community.

Calendar - Our Interactive community calendar will be updated every Thursday with events of the week. If you have an event you would like to include in the Calendar, email centraltxstar@gmail.com with the subject CALENDAR. Event listings are free and easy to add. We can even include a link to your event to include as much detail as you like.

Classifieds - A traditional classified ads page. Garage sales, for sale by owner, real estate, you name it, we can sell it. Traditional classifieds are only .20 cents per word up to 20 words and $1.00 per picture. We can also create a link to your Craigslist Ad, Facebook Marketplace Ad, or any other URL to sell faster, for only $2.00/listing.
If you’re a Real Estate agent, we can do multiple listings for a low cost. We have two options to chose from that can get your home or apartment in front of the right buyer or renter. Contact centraltxstar@gmail.com with the subject CLASSEFIEDS for more information, or to place an ad.

Please enjoy our special pages, where I will share resources from the community, photo galleries of special events and lots of fun, extra content.

Please feel free to reach out to Laura Chesner at centraltxstar@gmail.com for more information on the newspaper, the advertisements or to share your Joys and Sorrows. Stay tuned for more big news to come in early March!